
Casting and characters- We originally planned to have four characters but have reduced to three. This was to ensure we remained within the restrictions of an opening and didn’t complicate things or exceed the time limit. Our characters are as follows:

Name- Dan
Age- 34
Profession- Dealing with criminals involved in cases such as theft, murder and suicide, he uses smart techniques and strategies to get as much information out of people as possible.
Likes- Violence and intelligence
Dislikes- Sarcasm, disloyalty
History- A decade working in crime, law and punishment, only child, left home at the age of 16 Personality traits- Quick thinking, sense of humour however is not afraid to use violence and aggressively as defence or punishment, sneaky and backstabbing
when needs be.
Influences- The army 3 words- Funny, sly, smart

We chose Charlie Frazer to play the role of "interrogator" as he suited the part physically and he has had acting experience. He also has a GCSE in drama and is currently doing a drama A-Level therefore he will be used to following a script and acting as any given role. In the interview, he came across as confident, calm and quite willing which is very important, we needed him to fit the character description and play the role convincingly.

Name- John Barker
Age- 21
Profession- Drug dealer and smuggler
Likes- Adrenalin, fitness and fast cars
Dislikes- Relaxing and being second best at what he does
History- Been into drugs and alcohol since the age of 14, mother died a year later leaving him with nothing. He joined a gang soon after turning to a life of crime. Been arrested 3 times in the last 5 years.
Personality traits- Loyal, trustworthy, risk taking and curious
Influences- The people around him when he was younger and the life he lives in order to survive
3 words to describe them- Intelligent, subtle, fit

We decided to choose Tom Coath for the role of the "criminal" due to the fact he also has a background in acting and has a GCSE in drama. He is currently doing drama as an A- Level and was chosen because we found his acting mysterious, original and expressive. The way he worked fitted effectively with the chosen character brief and the fact that he was confident and active meant that he was not afraid to take risks when filming.

Name- Jess
Age- 30
Profession- Undercover detective
Likes- Fitness, small spaces, darkness, success
Dislikes- Loosing, rudeness, lying History- Originally worked as a spy however was spotted by Dan and she became his assistant, she has been working alongside him for just over 6 years and is able to predict his every move Personality traits- she will stop at nothing, adventurous, curious, forward thinking Influences- Her boss, her childhood and her previous job as a spy 3 words- Determined, sneaky, honest

For the role of "Detective", we cast an A-Level drama student called Meghan. We chose Meghan as she is also an A-level drama student meaning she can easily adopt the character and nature of a detective. Her acting career as been developed through schoo plays to larger drama performances on stage. However, she is keen to create new skills under the camera and broaden her skill set as a student.


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