Mark scheme analysis

In this lesson we had to watch this AS film sequence and analyse it against the mark scheme.
First we had to look at the film without the mark scheme and give it a score based on what we personally thought it got. We then exchanged scores as a class individually to learn what others rated it. I gave the clip a a mark of 55/60 under the level 4 bracket. When looking at the criteria I was surprised to notice very achievable targets such as using titles appropriately, using both sound and images in conjunction with editing techniques, shooting material according to task set, using editing affectively such as transitions and visual overlays. This particular film meets every success criteria well as the student has clearly thought about his style of filming and used effects such as the explosion of the bus with both 'sound" and "music" coherently. The student has also employed use of sophisticated Idents at the very beginning to suggest a more professional film outset as well as transitioning shots with fade in/out text. They have also used a variety of shot types: some steady such as the computer scenes and some more shaky such as the raw footage and bus scenes. With this combination we are more inclined to progress watching the film but its ultimate goal was to add a sense of realism, something it has achieved to a high standard.


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