Costume and effects for Opening Scene

What costume will we use?
The costume that we will be using for our opening scene will be rather formal as the characters need to portray a sense of importance and mystery that normal, regular clothes would not ne able to achieve. Both the criminal and interrogator will wear full suits and perhaps the interrogator will wear a long trench coat?

Here is an example of the style of clothing we will use:

Each character will have subtle changes to their dress code allowing the audience to base their own opinions regarding that character and essentially add more of an atmosphere to the entire scene. For example, the vigilante will perhaps wear a long coat with smart clothing hidden beneath. This could suggest that the character is seemingly ordinary but the clothes beneath suggest she is somewhat mysterious or suspect in some way. This range of clothing will emphasise cultural identity and hint as to what life might be like in that area.  Furthermore, the clothing is extremely important to our opening scene as it foreshadows what might actually happen later on (this will benefit to the opening as viewers will be encouraged to carry on watching) but also add to the entire mise en scene of the scene.
One disadvantage to using suits, especially for the basement scene is that they will be hard to see in the darkness of the basement. This means we will have to focus more on the characters clothing in the daytime conditions, paying more attention to smaller details. For example, the criminal could have his tie done loose and could have his sleeves rolled up to demonstrate that he is in a rush as opposed to the vigilante who remains very much smart clothed and ready for action.

When filming we must also consider make-up effects such as bruising or blood stains. Although subtle, this could look extremely believable without actually harming our characters! However, this would only be seen in the daylight scenes meaning we need to ensure that we film close ups of the characters face and where the effects have been applied. This is something that I could also replicate within after effects but this would be very time consuming and less realistic.

Finally, we will not use many props for our opening scene as I feel this would distract from the action and the actor's performance. In addition, the film does not need many props to support the narrative or assist with the scene in any way. This would also be an added thing to remember whilst filming, organising cast and directing the scene. Although, we will use a few subtle props such as a mobile phone (close-up) and a few other items that we can easily bring on the bus to and from Norwich. We must also consider all our filming equipment as we do not want to take unnecessary items with us as it will be hard to carry them as we will be filming the entire day. We should also make a list of all equipment that we will bring with us as to ensure that we do not leave anything behind.


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