Mock up

Before actually filming my opening scene me and my group decided to complete a brief, preliminary video. This helped us with getting a better understanding as to what would actually happen in the sequence before actually filming. We filmed the clip within 1 hour which meant we quickly had to find a cast, set up the camera equipment and film our idea. It was actually a challenging process that involved little planning and more of just getting the footage to edit from. The video doesn't aim to be professional or resemble our idea in great depth but merely for the purpose of getting an idea as to how it will be filmed. In fact, we repeated the scene of the character being hit numerous times to avoid re-filming each hit and potentially wasting time. This will something I will consider when we come to filming our real opening sequence as well as ensuring we film more than we need which will make editing easier.In addition, we had to think about the order of which we filmed, trying to imagine how the sequence will play as a whole.
We also had a few issues regarding the little lighting we had to film and accurately portray the mise en scene within each scene especially the basement clip. This was the hardest film due to the basement floor conditions and uneven surface but I feel this adds to the film somewhat, adding a certain element of reality to the narrative.
Overall, I think the "mock -up" has given us, as a group, an insight into what potential issues we could encounter when filming the actual scene. I also think we have learnt more about things like composition and smaller details such as facial expressions of our characters. However, this is something that should be rectified as we will use actors from the drama department to collaboratively produce the film. We must also consider that the opening sequence will be only 2 minutes which is a challenge in itself.


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