Plot synopsis

Plot outline of current idea for the film opening and where and the film as a whole would go if you were to make the full film.

Essentially, the idea revolves around this chase scene which is the main focus of the entire scene. The reason I have chosen a chase is because this is fast-paced and would keep the audience entertained throughout as opposed to films with little action. However, the initial couple of seconds is the interrogation scene where we are introduced to one of our villains/criminals. The frame is pitch black for at least one second before a light is switched on. This could be flickering and seemingly artificial-not a candlelight to tell the audience we are in the 21st century. The entire scene will be black and white as to add to the suspicious atmosphere of the scene but also to signify that we are in the present. Our villain is seen sitting on a chair or stool in the centre of the room, he is blindfolded (either duct tape or bag over his head) and is tied up with rope, his hands behind his back. From here, there will be several medium/extreme close-ups of the face and hands, revealing a closer look at the bruises and cuts on the skin (we will need to use make-up for this to add the bruises). There will then be a short exchange between our villain and another man. At first we cannot see this man but after hearing his deep, rough cockney accent the man steps out of the dark and confronts the prisoner. He is wearing a long, black trench coat and hat with badges on to show he is of status and a member of the police force.
The camera then fades or splits to the chase scene where another villain is seen running down the street and through alleyways. He holds a suspicious looking brown briefcase that is battered, his hand firmly gripped on the handle to show it is of particular importance. This scene will last for quite a long time with intermittent titles or text overlays in the bottom right of the frame. This criminal then quickly throws the briefcase over to the secondary criminal before getting caught (he turns down an alleyway and is confronted by a security guard). The other man then takes the case and runs off. We follow him for a period of time using some long shots to get an overall perspective of the location and setting. We then fade back into the interrogation scene where the man is now shouting. He opens the suitcase that is on the table. It is empty. The suitcase has obviously been switched which leads the interrogator to raise his gun (after effect here) and the it cuts out and the title is seen as an animation.

Our original idea-
We first discussed having two vigilante characters attempting to find the briefcase stolen by two criminals. The film would be about their capture of one of the criminals and their fight to gain knowledge of, first, the whereabouts of the case, then, to retrieve it. What is in the briefcase would remain unknown, however it would be made clear that it is of vital importance they get it out of the hands of the criminals. After much effort and danger they are finally able to secure it and prevail over the threat.

What would have been in the opening-

The opening would have been a chase scene. It would begin with an image of a person’s feet, running towards the camera. Then it would switch to a crowd of people in a city, amongst which, is the leader of the two vigilantes, clearly looking for someone. It then cuts to the criminal running with a briefcase. The vigilante then spots him and gestures to his co-worker. The chase ensues and just as the criminal is caught he passes the case to his co-worker.

Our final idea-
We decided to edit our original idea so we could maintain the criteria of an opening rather than giving too much of the story away. So we decided to cut the ‘criminal’s’ co-worker and rather than labelling them as criminal and vigilante, leave it for the audience to decide. The rest of the story remained the same apart from changes to the opening and rather than a briefcase it is information they want.

What will be in the opening-
We will start with a pan of the first room in the basement before doing a match on action shot of the two interrogators entering the second room. Then, after each question, the leader will hit the interrogated person and it will cut to the chase scene. It will end with the interrogated running into the underground passages, looking behind him and thinking he’s got away, only to turn around and be face to face with the second interrogator, the first standing behind him.


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