Filming Review

Saturday 16th January 2016 ( 9:30-11) - Filming taking place at Wymondham High School basement. Including all characters: Meghan, Charlie, and Tom.

Review of day;
What worked well:
I think the entire day of filming was successful. We stared at around 9:30, meaning we could promptly begin work. Before filming we reacted what we wanted our actors to do, suggesting their positioning in the room and their interaction with one another.
What didnt work as well:
Whilst filming we had to retake a few shots due to props being in the wrong position and thing like our camera bags getting in the way. We also has to refilm shots where we were talking over the footage or the shot was particularly unsteady.
Anything that might/ does need to be re-filmed?
No, we won't need to film any more. Before filming I made it clear that we should over film, filming each scene at least three times so the editing would be much easier, thus avoiding the need to ref-film.
Did everything run smoothly?
We made good progress throughout the day, having no big issues with the camera or things such as the mise-en scene.
Any changes you are making?
We decided to add an additional shot of Meghan slamming the door to complete darkness after both the detective and the interrogator are seen entering the secondary room. We thought of a last-minute idea where we would film the skylight from below, having a set of us walk over the top to give the impression there was no escape from the room - emphasises the idea of seclusion and vulnerability.
Did you use your storyboards to good effect?
By printing out a copy of my storyboard, we could all understand the sequence of events chronologically. This helped us know which scenes to film next and how the scene would play out.

Sunday 17th January 2016 (8:00-3) - Filming taking place in Norwich city centre, The Mall.

What worked well:
The day was a complete success for filming. Despite the cold weather, the levels of light, amount of people, and locations were ideal for filming purposes. Initially, we wanted to film the areas that would get most busiest later on in the day at the beginning of the filming as to avoid this issue had we filmed it later on. We then worked our way inside, filming the insides of the mall while it wasn't very crowded.
What didnt work as well:
The only location that was the hardest to film was the underpass shot. It was this area that was relatively busy, meaning we had to retake footage if people were acting unordinary in front the camera.
Anything that might/ does need to be re-filmed?
By filming additional footage we won't need to re-film any footage as I have a large selection of clips to work from when I edit the clips. I may also use parts of one clip with another for a better outcome.
Any changes you are making?
We decided to cut down some of the shots to ensure that we made two-minutes. With the amount of footage we could have had a much longer opening sequence but because of the limit we had to rethink some shots. For example, we were going to include an extreme long shot before the slow motion scene to establish where the characters were but decided to just film one long shot in place to meet the required time limit.
Did you use your storyboards to good effect?
Similarly, we used the same storyboards to help decide, chronologically the order of events. However, as I have explained we did not completely abide by the filming times of this due to the amount of people in the city.


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